
Waters Dark and Deep: 6 contemporary angel fantasy books

Created by Lovelight Lioness Productions

A teenage girl discovers that she is a lost princess of the descendants of archangels, and that the whole Archworld wants to kill her.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We Did It! 😭 (happy tears)
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 10:38:48 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We've Unlocked Another Stretch Goal! Plus... What's Next?
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 02:49:45 PM

Hello all! Just wanted to let you know that last week we unlocked the $3000 stretch goal, which means two bonuses are unlocked!

  • For backers $10 and above - A cheat sheet of the seven archangels and the seven archdemons that are at the center of the worldbuilding for all of the Hallows and Nephilim series! (With runes hand drawn by me)
  • For backers $25 and above - A massive timeline graphic + video from me that explains the timeline within the books!

You can back at either of these levels or higher and get these bonuses! Woohoo :)

Stretch Goal #3: Hit $3500 in Funding

The next stretch goal is a bonus for backers who are getting the Faerie Princess Spy Academy books. That means that they've pledged at $40 or above. And if you are curious about this series and whether you might want to read it, you can grab the first novella for free and read a bit here (BookFunnel link with an .ePub that can be read on Google Play, Nook, Kobo, Apple Books, or Kindle app):

This bonus is a cheat sheet of the ten faerie categories along with where they are based and what family rules them. If you've read any of the FPSA books, you'll know that there are five elementals and two faerie clans per elemental, for a total of ten clans in the Alliance of Faeries. And they all have their own powers!

It's pretty cool to see how this plays out in the book. Alanza International School of Faerie, the academy featured in the book, is nestled in the depths of the Tijuca Forest in Brazil (near Rio de Janeiro).

Of course, the series features ROYALS (because that is my main jam). Everyone who attends this academy, including our leprechaun heroine Darby Fitzgerald, is either in one of the ten royal families that rule the clans, or are part of their courts.

Feel free to get "sorted" below—there's no sorting ceremony in the series, as you are born as you are born, but it's still a fun game I created a few years ago for the series!

This bonus cheat sheet which will unlock at Stretch Goal #3 will give MUCH more detail on the ten clans, including what their powers are, the history of the clan, and the current who's who in their courts. (You'll be seeing them in the books!)

Cool Campaigns!

I really love the community on Kickstarter and I love that we're building together. So I'm happy to share some of my author friends' campaigns—peruse only if interested! I'll try to include a few of these in every update.

These ones in particular are ending really soon—all have less than 24 hours to go. So get in now while you can!

The Order of Merlin: A contemporary academy fantasy trilogy

Fantastic Families. Magical Academies. Epic Adventures.

The Order of Merlin is a complete stand-alone contemporary epic fantasy trilogy brimming with intrigue, dark magic, and fellowship set amongst the world's only magical university from bestselling author Thomas K. Carpenter. Includes THE ORDER OF MERLIN, INFERNAL ALLIANCES, and TOWER OF HORN AND BLOOD.

Why join the Hundred Halls? Find your tribe in a magical university filled with every type of magic imaginable where conflicted heroes embark on epic adventures.

Eerie Ghosts and Vampires of the New Orleans French Quarter

One Halloween, my husband, Dan, and I decided to join a nighttime ghost tour through the legendary New Orleans French Quarter. Although we appreciated the theatrical enthusiasm of our tour guide and relished strolling through the historic streets of our neighborhood, listening to assorted tales of tragic hauntings, the experience ultimately let us down.

The unwieldy size of our group made it tough for us to hear the guide and, worse, kept us from immersing ourselves in the haunting ambience of the city’s oldest district.

In search of a more riveting, less restrictive experience, we decided to create an affordable, self-guided excursion of our own, one that would blend our love of scary stories and our fervor for New Orleans with our desire for autonomy.

Goddess: A Photographer's Visions of Divine Feminine Art

Goddess: A Photographer's Visions of the Feminine Divine, is an art book inspired by the incredible women I have had the honor of working with as a professional photographer. Empowering women, creating striking art, and capturing their Divine Essence all while creating personal art worthy of galleries.

GODDESS is a passion project accumulated through my career as an artist over the past seven+ years. It brings to life the story I tell my clients every time I work with them. That they are Divine beings, beautiful, powerful, and creative.

Stretch Goals! And Surprise... We've Already Unlocked One! Read on to find out what it is.
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 11:29:21 AM

Hi there, Stormers!

I've gotten a little behind on my messages and updates for this campaign, but I'm excited to announce the next stretch goals (and surprise—we've already unlocked one!)

Stretch Goal #1: Hit $2000 in Funding

The first stretch goal was for when we raised $2000, which means we've already unlocked it! Everyone who has pledged at the $10 level and up will get a cheat sheet of the seven archangels and the seven archdemons that are at the center of the worldbuilding for all of the Hallows and Nephilim series!

This cheat sheet includes their unique symbols/runes (hand drawn by me!) that often end up as tattoo-like symbolism on various characters' skin in the books. It also contains a list of the major powers that each archangel or demon has, which then gets passed down to their Hallow and Nephilim descendants. Bloodlines are so important in this series, so if you like to know the mechanics of worldbuilding for the fantasy you are reading, then this is going to be a cool and informative bonus!

I'll eventually be dropping the information from this cheat sheet into a worldbuilding book, but for the next year at least, it's exclusive to the Kickstarter campaign!

And I'll be sharing the image for this soon, too, so you can see how much fun it's going to be!

Stretch Goal #2: Hit $3000 in Funding

We are 75% to stretch goal #2 already, which is crazy! So here's the official announcement: when we get to $3000 ($252 from now!) we are going to unlock a massive timeline graphic + video from me that explains the timeline within the books!

Some examples:

  • The events at the beginning of Napoli Vampire Royalty happen just after the events in book #4 of the Waters Dark and Deep series, which means that the timeline for NVR #1 and WD&D #5 are happening at the same time. Trippy!
  • The events in The Angel Masqueraders happen after Waters Dark and Deep #6, Napoli Vampire Royalty #3, and Faerie Princess Spy Academy #3, which means that in some ways, this mega-crossover book is the next book in all three series (even though it's an unofficial un-numbered book). Pretty cool!

This timeline graphic will explain the reading order, and you'll be able to zoom in and find fun additional notes about each of the books.

I was heavily inspired by a graphic that my husband showed me recently, that explored Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Patrick said to me, "This reminds me so much of your books!"

And it's true. I didn't set out to do that, but I'm really excited to explain this more deeply in the graphic + video extra.

This bonus is going out to everyone who pledges at the $25 level and above because these are the people who are getting more books and who will need and want the timeline to choose their reading order! If you are a DIGITAL ONLY backer, you may be interested in checking out the $40 tier, which gives you eight ebooks in the Waters Dark and Deep series, four ebooks in the Napoli Vampire Royalty series, 4 ebooks in the Faerie Princess Spy Academy series, and seven ebooks in the Zodiac Traveler series. You also get the Angel Masqueraders crossover book, which is a *really* cool story about five masquerade balls that all of the characters travel to!

Help Us Get to Stretch Goal #2!

Like I said, we're only $252 from unlocking stretch goal. And I completely understand if you are content with your pledge level and/or you prefer not to get involved with sharing and whatnot.

If you are interested in helping us cross the finish line, however, there are a few simple ways you can help—all completely optional, of course, so only do what excites you!

  • You can share the campaign on your social media or with your email list (if you have one). As more people back the campaign, we get closer to hitting the goal!
  • You can bump your pledge a little bit, which helps us get to the goal faster too!

Thanks for all of your support in backing the campaign and helping us get to the next stretch.

I'm excited to share Stretch Goal #3, once we've unlocked this one! It's actually perfect for this week, too!

Cool Campaigns!

Godsverse Chronicles: The complete portal fantasy series

Travel across the universe, through time, into Hell, to Heaven, and between dimensions with 8 magical women fighting the gods' fate.

Are you obsessed with mythology? Are you gaga for monsters? Do you love exploring new fictional worlds? If it has portals, then I'm there, and the Godsverse Chronicles has just about every portal story you can imagine. Across the twelve books of the series, the main characters of the Godsverse travel to Heaven, Hell, Mount Olympus, Valhalla, other dimensions, different planets, time, space, and reality on their adventures across Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and Judeo-Christian mythology.

Fallen Angel Fantasy Fiction: Exclusive Hardbacks.

This beloved series has sold over 500,000 copies, is optioned for film and is now offered in an exclusive one time only hardback set.

Brielle Atwater isn't sure of much, but she knows a few things:

1. Having black wings is not normal.

2. Selling her soul to the demons was a mistake.

3. Lincoln Grey is the biggest jerk she's ever met … but not falling in love with him might prove impossible.

Fallen Academy had sold over 500,000 copies and is optioned for film. Readers fell in love with Brielle and Lincoln and their fallen angel love story. This kickstarter will bring this series to life like you've never experienced before.

Thank you! We hit funding on the first day of the campaign.
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 02, 2022 at 02:41:02 AM

Thanks to everyone who backed the campaign today—we are officially funded and got the Projects We Love badge this afternoon, too!

I'm thrilled to be funded, because I know it's only up from here, and I'm ready to give this campaign my all for the next 37 days.

But more importantly, this series truly is my dream—a dream that I haven't been able to put as much time toward as I want to. Your pledge helps me prioritize the work I want to do over the work that currently pays the bills, and I'm so grateful that you believe in me and want these stories to see the light of day.

This campaign is just getting started, and I'm so excited to share what else I have planned to make the launch interesting and fun.

Other Cool Campaigns

I'll likely add a few campaigns at the bottom of every update, now that I know a lot of people who are running Kickstarter campaigns at any given time. Today, I'm focusing on a few campaigns that are ending soon! So back ASAP if interested.

Color with Nakoa and Nohea: An activity book for all ages

Moana McAdams is trying to get across the finish line on her coloring book project—and backing it is the perfect way to celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

The coloring book is 32 pages of coloring goodness bring mythical creatures and cultures of an uncharted world to life for four friends seeking adventure.

Books in the Adventures of Nakoa and Nohea series feature action, adventure, fantasy, and are perfect for :

  • Parents who want their kids to learn and appreciate different cultures and languages.
  • Anyone with fond memories of Goonies. 
  • Fans of epic fantasy adventures like Lord of the Rings.
  • Fans of Moana who want to read stories written by #TheRealLifeMoana
  • Anyone who wants the Rock, Jason Momoa, and other studios to produce all-ages adventure movies or animated series that delve deeper into the rich history and cultures scattered across the Pacific.

Check it out here:

Seasons of Magic - COMPLETE Urban Fantasy Series HARDCOVERS

Sarah Biglow has a campaign focused on strong women, fierce magic, and supernatural mystery. Her project is a 4-book series that's getting hardcovers.

The description:

When a series of brutal crimes lands in her lap, newly-minted Detective Ezri Trenton sets out to prove to herself and her non-magical partner she can handle the investigations. And when members of the magical community lose their magic, Ezri scrambles to unearth the how and why. The deeper she digs, the more evidence mounts that dark magic is behind each case. Every step forward threatens her resolve, making her question her title of Savior of the magical community. But when darkness reigns, can she stand as a beacon of light? Or will she make the ultimate sacrifice to defend her world?

Check it out here:

77½ Magical Healing Herbs: Secret Powers of Herbal Medicine

Rebecca and Nelly (collaboration partners known jointly under the pen name Ronesa Aveela) are creating an essential illustrated guide for tapping into natural remedies using centuries of Slavic traditions and folklore. I'm a sucker for beautiful books, and let's just say that this one delivers!

Venture into the magical, healing world of herbs and embrace the power of nature.

  • Have you ever wondered what use you can make of all those “weeds” in your yard?
  • Do you prefer a natural way of cleansing the body and soul?
  • Are you looking for creative ways to add magic to games or novels?

If this sounds like you, then 77½ Magical Healing Herbs is the perfect solution. The book is an introduction to herbs found in a special Midsummer’s wreath. This is an especially enchanting time of year. Among the Bulgarians, the day is called Eniovden.

Check it out here:

Thank you again for backing the campaign early—and I'll be in touch soon.


Solo Storm (Monica Leonelle)