
Waters Dark and Deep: 6 contemporary angel fantasy books

Created by Lovelight Lioness Productions

A teenage girl discovers that she is a lost princess of the descendants of archangels, and that the whole Archworld wants to kill her.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Long Overdue Update
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 03:03:10 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Hi! I'm alive and working now.
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jan 07, 2023 at 04:00:22 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

BackerKit Surveys Are Coming
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 05:18:33 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

BackerKit Surveys Are Coming!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 06:22:53 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Stretch Goals #4 and #5
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 06, 2022 at 04:35:54 PM

Good news! We are $3 from unlocking another stretch goal: when we get to $3500 ($3 from now!) we are going to unlock a cheat sheet of the ten faerie categories along with where they are based and what family rules them.

If you've read any of the Faerie Princess Spy Academy books, you'll know that there are five elementals and two faerie clans per elemental, for a total of ten clans in the Alliance of Faeries. And they all have their own powers!

Whenever we get close to a stretch goal, it's time to announce another... and today I'm announcing two!

(But first, here's the Book #1 cover for the Faerie Princess Spy Academy books, to give you a sense of the vibes for the the cool cheat sheet that's coming!)

Stretch Goal #4: Tea Time with the Author

We have 72 backers right now which is incredible to me! When we reach $4000 ($503 away!), I will host a private chatter + Q&A for all backers. I might read some passages or show off the books or share what is coming down the pipeline—either way, I'm so excited!

Stretch Goal #5: A Special Commemorative Pin for the Campaign

A few years ago, my husband purchased a laser-cutter, which sits on our third floor. I've been using it to make special commemorative wooden pins from my own drawings and love to pass these out at cons. If we reach $5000 on the campaign ($1503 away!) I will create a special angel pin for backers from one of my drawings, print them here at home (and share the process!) and send ship them to all backers, anywhere in the world, at no extra shipping cost. This is in addition to the special pins at the various backer levels!

Here's a pin I've created in the past, so you can expect something similarly cool and in this case, related to Waters Dark and Deep!

By the way, I'm hugely into passion, if you were wondering! And genuinely believe that the world needs your passion—everyone's passion! So thank you for having passion for reading and for this campaign, too.

More Cool Campaigns

Extreme Medical Services: An Urban Fantasy Series

  • Do you love stories about a hidden magical world existing right alongside our own?
  • How about exciting stories about paramedics and other first responders?
  • Do you love when books and shows get the medicine "right?"

If that sounds familiar, the Extreme Medical Services series is for you!

Back the project here:

Murder and Mozzarella: a cheesy culinary cozy mystery

Something smells off about this murder, and it's not the stinky cheese.

Brianna West needs a fresh start away from the big city. In her new cheese-themed café on quaint Driftwood Island, she plans to serve mascarpone croissants and asiago scones to friends new and old. But when Brianna follows her eccentric Aunt Dot’s escaped goat and discovers the water buffalo farmer next door with Dot’s pitchfork in his back, her aunt is suspect number one.

Soon, other suspects besides Dot emerge like curds from whey. Brianna sets out to prove her aunt's innocence with the help of her chatty best friend, the inflated egos of the local Gourmand Society, and a handsome local Mountie in charge of law enforcement. Brianna vows to sniff out the real murderer before she loses her aunt, her new life on the island, and her succulent, savory cheese café.

Cheese is pungent. Murder stinks.

Back the project here:

The Freelance Familiars Boxset: A complete six book series

Want to explore a hidden side of reality through the eyes of a snarky mountain lion?

Enjoy the beauty, grace and occasional dingbat behavior of cats?

Do you want to see a squirrel gleefully take on the supernatural with heaps of explosives?

Then you need to read Freelance Familiars.

Back the project here: